Tuesday, October 11, 2016

US Ship Attacked in Red Sea

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Iranian backed Houthis shot 2 missiles at a US destroyer off the coast of Yemen.

The missiles missed, but it was clear that the US destroyer was the target of the attack.

A little background. The conflict in Yemen is between Shiite Houthis and Sunni Yemeni leadership. Iran is backing, arming and helping the Houthis while Saudi Arabia is supporting Sunni leadership.

The attack took place in the Red Sea. It came on the heels of last week's bombing of a UAE auxiliary ship by the Houthis. The United States has sent in support ships to make certain that the water ways stay secure.

Iran, through their Houthi proxies, are sending a message to the United States. The message is that: We, the Shiites, are in charge.


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