Sunday, January 29, 2017

Terrorists Hacking Police

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Terrorists have begun hacking the police who monitor them.

In a twist of convention - the hunted is now hunting the hunter. Australian anti-terror police have made public that they have discovered a list of their own security forces and details about them on the computers of terrorists.

In the past terrorists and hackers, especially hacktavists, have made public names and details of police and government leaders.

The interesting twist is that ISIS is not known for hacking. This is true despite their highly advanced use of media and encryption in communication. Media and encryption is fairly easy - just follow directions to post and stay safe.

Hacking is far more complex.
Hacking requires skills.

We now know that terrorists in Australia want to hack and are trying to hack - but we do not know how successful they were in actually gaining access and information. 

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