Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Belgium Pulls Out of Palestinian Aid Projects

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Belgium government has pulled their support for two Palestinian projects totaling $3.9 million.

Belgium said that they cannot be party to anything connected to terror. The decision to pull back the funds came after the Palestinians renamed a school to honor the notorious female terrorist named Dahlal Mughrabi.

Mughrabi was part of the horrific 1982 terror attack in that resulted in the murder of 38 Israelis, including 13 children, by kidnapped a bus on the Coastal Road. The attack is known as the "Coastal Road Massacre" in English. In Hebrew it is called the "Bloody Bus Massacre."

Dahlal Mughrabi was killed in the attack. Immediately afterward, she became lionized as a great heroine of the Palestinians. Parks are named after her. Schools are named after her. Even sports competitions are named after her. Her biography is taught in elementary schools.

Belgian Foreign Minister Didier Reynders called Mughrabi a Palestinian terrorist. He said "Belgium will not allow itself to be associated with the names of terrorists in any way." 

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