Friday, December 22, 2017

Russia in Syria for Another 49 Years

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Duma is the Russian parliament. Yesterday Russian President Vladimir Putin submitted a resolution to the Duma and it passed hands down.

The Duma extended the Russian lease on their naval base in Syria for another 49 years.

The ramifications of that resolution are far reaching. Russia will be permitted to remain in Syria as a military force for decades. The resolution even enumerated the types of vessels that could be in port.
It permits nuclear powered ships and subs.

The agreement was hammered out between Putin and Syrian president Bashar Assad.
In the end, it just needed to be ratified by the Duma.

All this is important. But even more importantly, this agreement shows that Putin and, by extension, Russia believe the person who makes decisions for the present and the future in Syria is Putin.

And it seems that Assad agrees. 

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