Thursday, May 21, 2020

Iran's Final Solution

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

It costs $200,000 to rent a private plane and fly to Israel.

During Coronavirus extremely wealthy American Jews have been renting planes and bringing loved ones to Israel – for burial.

In some instances, families have shared planes and brought several bodies at one time.

They enter, bury and leave, all under the radar.

And they are all in violation of Israeli law which requires Americans to quarantine for 14 days after arrival in Israel

On Monday a family of seven brought their mother to Israel. They are major philanthropists. The group went from the airport to a synagogue in Holon and met with people. From there they went to a cemetery in Jerusalem where over 100 people were gathered. That, too, is against the law.

After the funeral the family went back to the airport and returned to NYC.

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