Thursday, February 7, 2013

Abbas with a Faux Pas

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

A "faux pas" is a very embarrassing misspeak.

In French it actually means a "false step" or a "misstep." It is a gaffe and normally something that you would really regret having said.

The faux pas I am about to tell you about takes place at the Islamic Conference in Cairo. The same conference Ahmadinejad is attending.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is speaking and thanking the host, the president of Egypt. In addition to thanking him for hosting the conference, Abbas also wants to thank him for supporting the UN vote which changed the status of Palestinians.

But Abbas misspoke.
 Abbas thanked Mubarak instead of Morsi.

Abbas began his comments with the words "President Mohammed Hosni."

He then stopped and corrected himself saying "Mohammed Morsi."
Mubarak's first name is Hosni. In the video, Morsi was pretty pokerfaced but he did show a real sign of frustration after the gaffe.

What caused Abbas to misspeak? He will never tell. We can conjecture, but we will never know for sure.

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