Monday, February 25, 2013

Ahmadinejad Admits Econ Harships

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The other day Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made an unusual and truthful comment on Iranian tv. It was picked up in the Washington Post but almost nowhere else.

Ahmadinejad said "[t]his was a very difficult year for our economy."

He went on with his assessment saying that the United States is engaged in a huge and powerful economic attack on Iran which has had an impact on Iran's economy. He said that many of the tactics the US and the Western world have applied against Iran have been unfair and certainly illegal.

Ahmadinejad then outlined his expectations for this coming year's economy saying that he anticipates growth in numerous markets. His big emphasis was on domestic production and export and self reliance. He explained that in 2013 Iran would emerge victorious against the United States in the economic war.

This admission is as revealing as it is extremely unusual. It is a signal to us that Iran was hit far more deeply than we expected. 

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