By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Let's begin at the end. Saudi Arabia withdrew its ambassador from Sri Lanka.
The move came in response to Sri Lanka pulling their ambassador in Saudi Arabia.
How did the situation get to this point?
It began in 2005 when a then 17 year old Sri Lankan babysitter was charged with smothering a four month old baby Saudi baby to death. On January 9, 2013 the babysitter was beheaded. In response to the beheading Sri Lanka announced a travel ban to Saudi Arabia on all women under 25.
Many international organizations condemned the beheading.
Saudi Arabia executes people who have violated laws that they deem fundamental to their social fabric. Drugs, robbery, adultery and more serious crimes like murder are all met with the same punishment - beheading.
The United States has made its point of view known to the Saudi government, but no country and no diplomacy will have an impact or influence on the policies of Saudi Arabia. Saudi policy is ingrained into Saudi life and is a fundamental component of Saudi legal culture.
This is Shariya -- Islamic law.
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