Saturday, June 27, 2015

Another Flotilla Sailing to Gaza

By Micah D. Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

Another flotilla set sail for Gaza yesterday.

The flotilla is a symbolic gesture. There are 70 people, including crew, aboard the ship which launched from Crete en route to Gaza.

The reason given for sending out the ship is that it is carrying medical supplies for needy hospitals in Gaza.

Also on board is an Arab member of the Israeli Knesset. His name is Basel Ghattas and he is a representative of the Joint Arab List. The president of Tunisia was on board when it departed Crete.
Sounds strange considering that an ISIS terror attack just took place in Tunisia. Terrorists struck a beach hotel at a tourist resort killing at least 38 people and wounding 26.

People affiliated with the flotilla said that the night before they set sail, someone tried to sabotage the ship - as has been done with other flotillas. Someone swam under the boat and tied up the propellers.
The organizers detected the problem and freed the propellers.

In 2011 a very similar attack took place and the sabotage postponed the departure of the ship. As a result fewer ships joined the flotilla.

Today there is just one. This flotilla is begging for publicity. 

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