By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Great Britain has put together a group of rescues archeologists to go and save historical sites threatened by ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
Right now only England is funding the project, but they are convening a summit meeting in hopes of raising more monies to save these priceless and unique historical treasures.
ISIS does two things to the sites.
# 1: ISIS publicly destroys the sites. ISIS films and posts on line the actual destruction of the sites. In their minds, they are destroying paganism. They broadcast to all their followers how Islam has destroyed the pagan culture of Rome and Greece et al. ISIS says that the sites "promote idolatry."
# 2: ISIS raids the sites for artifacts that can be sold. The sales amount to tens of millions of dollars annually, all profit going into their coffers. For ISIS, the sale of historical artifacts is almost as lucrative an industry as the sale of oil.
This new group of rescue archeologists will hopefully secure the sites, reconstruct the destroyed elements and document the current state of affairs for posterity. It is a daunting but very worthwhile endeavor.
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