Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Supreme Court Says Jerusalem is Disputed

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The US Supreme Court 6-3 ruling striking down Congresses' law about
Jerusalem is a damning decision.

Here's why:

The Supreme Court is now saying that the President is THE lone voice in determining US foreign policy. This is not just about filling in a small box titled Place of Birth on the US passport. The ramifications are tremendous.

This decision by the Supreme Court effectively diplomatically minimizes Israel around the world.
The decision, in effect, tells Israel that they cannot select their own capital. They are not the masters of their own capital - the president of the United Sates is.

This ruling by the US Supreme Court leaves the question of the status of Jerusalem up for negotiation. The greater problem is that in some circle the very existence of Israel - not just of Israel's capital city - is being disputed. This decision gives credence to that POV.

The Supreme Court should never have ruled on this issue.


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