Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Cyber Terror Linked W Paris and Brussels

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
A cyber tech firm that specializes in cyber security and hails from Israel discovered a link between cyber terror attacks and murderous terror attacks.

Cytegic based their studies on the terror attacks that rocked Brussels and Paris.

Not surprisingly, they discovered that after the terror attacks there was a significant increase in cyber attacks. According to Cytegic most of those cyber strikes were DOS attacks. A DOS attack is an attack in which the cyber terrorist attacks by sending a deluge of emails that forces the site to crash. Other forms of attacks that they discovered included posting pictures and phishing and social engineering hacks. In the end, they are pretty low level hacks.

Low level hacks or not - many people, including the anarchist group called Anonymous, are trying to fight the ISIS hacks.

Cytegic also discovered that there was a slight dip in terror attacks before the murderous attacks in Paris and Brussels.

The most important point in the Cytegic findings is that there is a short lag time between the physical attack and the computer attacks.

In that break, targets - including countries, agencies, corporations and individuals have a window which can be used to bolster their defenses.


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