Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Gaza Tunnels Collapse

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Another tunnel collapsed in Gaza. Three people were killed.

The news was reported on Channel 2 News in Israel, despite a media blackout by Hamas. Hamas does not want information to be given out about neither the deaths nor the collapsed tunnel.

A few hours before the tunnel collapse, the Egyptians blew up a tunnel that they found on their side of the border.

All of this tunnel activity took place in the area of Rafah. Rafah is a city that sits half in Egypt and half in Gaza.

This is the 11th tunnel to collapse since February.

From the point of view of Hamas the tunnels are a huge operation that
lends them pride and power.

Hamas employs over 1,000 people in various digging operations across Gaza. Tunnels used to be primarily for smuggling and the smugglers invested a lot of money and care in the construction of their tunnels. But the days of private enterprise are long gone.

Today Hamas digs and controls all the tunnels and it is a great source of revenue - they both charge for passage through the tunnels and tax everything that passes through the tunnels.

Tunnels are a major component of the Hamas economy. Collapsed tunnels cannot fill their coffers.


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