Sunday, April 3, 2016

Pendulum Swings in Syria

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

For those who thought that the pendulum had swung and that Russia and Iran were helping Assad secure Syria by conquering strategic sites like Aleppo -- wrong.

Over the weekend, starting on Friday, al Qaeda's affiliate al Nusra has been taking back Aleppo. Al Nusra began their assault with three simultaneous car bombs and then they ambushed Syrian forces while they were on the move.

According to sources, dozens of Syrian forces were killed while only sixteen al Qaeda/al Nusra forces were killed in the fighting.

Syrian forces and their allies are now responding and trying to take back the areas that they lost on Friday and Saturday.

Al Nusra, with the help of other rebels, targeted some of the most strategic zones around Aleppo.

The most important element to understand is that the fight continues - section by section, city by city, neighborhood by neighborhood. Control of strategic locations often swings back and forth. Control is wrestled from one group and then from another.

This conflict is far from over. 

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