Friday, July 17, 2020

They Want to Impeach Rouhani

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Iranian President Rouhani is fighting for his political life.

There is a move in Iran to impeach Rouhani. The move asserts that Rouhani failed in protecting Iran from COVID-19.

Obviously, the move comes from the right.

Rouhani has been working hard at trying to appease right-wing parliamentarians, calling for unity and brotherhood. His foreign minister, Zarif, was shouted down in parliament last week and Rouhani defended him.

Rouhani represents compromise with the West. It is Rouhani who is responsible for the nuke deal.

Internally, Iran is dealing with pulls and pushes. The right has a very strong voice in politics. The liberals are the youth of Iran.

Rouhani was open to liberal ideas, but he promised much more than what he delivered.

The move to impeach cites COVID, but in reality, the issue the right has with Rouhani is that he was too liberal - on everything.

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