Sunday, July 26, 2020

US Chair of Joint Chiefs Visits Israel

By Micah Halpern
Monday July 27, 2020

I've Been Thinking:

US Chair of The Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, arrived in Israel on Friday morning. The four star general flew directly into an Israeli air-force base.

Milley met with Aviv Kochavi, his Israeli counterpart. He also met with Yossi Cohen, head of the Mossad Yossi Cohen. Defense Minister Benny Gantz came to the base and he, too, met with the American general.

Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu met with Milley through a video conference, Kochavi was a part of the conversation.

Israel was the only destination for the US General.

So, what did they talk about? There is only one answer. Iran. They also spoke about Syria and Hezbollah – and their involvement with Iran.

All those suspicious fires and explosions in Iran, they were certainly on the agenda.

The US Chair of the Joint Chief of staff does not hop on a plane and make trips for no reason. This was a whirlwind visit. Milley came to Israel to deliver a message and to get information that could not be delivered any other wat. Not through the embassy or over the internet or on the secure phone.

Nothing is more secure than a face-to-face meeting.

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