Friday, January 29, 2021

Jordan King Demands Israel Vaccinate

 By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

Jordan’s King Abdullah used his time in Davos, attending the World Economic Summit, attacking Israel for not vaccinating the Palestinians.

The King’s attack was not that Israel was not vaccinating Israeli Arabs, but rather, that Israel was they not vaccinating the 2.8 million Palestinians living under
Palestinian control in the West Bank and the 2 million Palestinians living in Gaza.

Here is the problem. Palestinian leadership has not asked Israel for vaccines. And actually, according to the Oslo Accords, the Palestinians are responsible for their own healthcare.

And there is an even bigger issue here. For weeks, Palestinian leadership has been working to get the vaccine from Russia through the Sputnik V vaccine program. PA leadership has also been insisting that they are going through the UN to get their vaccines. And they have repeatedly said that their program will begin in February.

So why was the King of Jordan attacking Israel in January?

The simple answer is that attacking Israel is an easy way to deflect personal responsibility. Attacking Israel unifies all those who hate Israel.

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