By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
I admit we live in crazy times. And then it just gets crazier.
While speaking in Congress, in an appeal to her Republican colleagues, Nancy Pelosi quoted from the great Hebrew poet Ehud Manor’s spectacular poem “Ein Li Eretz Aheret” which, in English, translates to mean “I have No Other Country”.
Pelosi did not just mention the title of the poem and its essential theme, she said: "Mr. Speaker … I recall the words of the great Israeli poet, Ehud Manor.”
And then continued: "I can't keep silent in light of how my country has changed her face, won’t quit trying to remind her. In her ears, I'll sing my cries until she opens her eyes. I can't keep silent of how my country has changed her face.”
The poem was turned into a song that was made famous by Gali Atari. It is a heart wrenching and deeply moving poem and when put to music it deeply touches the souls of people who care about their country.
For Ehud Manor, that country was Israel. For Nancy Pelosi, it is the United States.
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