Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Documents Show Bin Laden Figurehead

Tuesday May 24, 2011

I've Been Thinking:

Here's a news flash: the trove of documents found in the bin Laden compound, the chache of material tying bin Laden to current terrorist operations - came up empty. Nada. Gornisht. Nothing in it. Nothing to it.
The White House tried to create mystique around bin Laden. They said the material was filled with links to his operational invovlement, they said that his grasp extended throughout the al Qaeda terrorist web.

That tale ran contrary to everything we know about bin Laden over these past few years - even before 9-11.

Osama bin Laden was a figure head, Osama bin Laden was not an operational leader.

That does not diminish the impact of his death, it just puts it into perspective. Bin Laden is dead, that is good. But terror and terrorists and terror networks live on.


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