Saturday, May 7, 2011

Natural Gas Wars

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

Arab media is hopping and bopping with a story about Qatar supplying Israel with below market price for natural gas. As much natural gas as Israel desires.

This media coverage is very important for Israel. Egypt has been threatening to abrogate their peace treaty and the Egyptians have already said that they will be doubling the cost of natural gas going to Israel.

Since the beginning of the revolutions in the Arab world, aka the Arab Spring, Israel has begun to draw down its dependency on Egyptian gas. What started with 40% dependency is now close to only 25% and would drop totally if this story with Qatar is true. After all, Qatar holds 15% of the world's natural gas supply and talks have been ongoing between Qatar and Israel on this very subject.

This might just be spin and the story may not prove true at all. Or it may be pay back by the many countries interested in leaking a false story in order to get even with Qatar.

Qatar owns al Jazeera. And al Jazeera has been fomenting the Arab Spring. What better way to hit Qatar than by casting them as friends of Israel.

We will wait and watch closely.
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