Sunday, September 27, 2015

Russia Iran & Syria Team Up to Fight ISIS

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Reports are circulating about close cooperation between Russia, Syria, Hezbollah and Iran on directly fighting ISIS.

These reports are worrisome to the United States. It further demonstrates Russia's involvement, and even leadership, in the region and underscores how the Russians are playing a major role in confronting an issue that the United States considers extremely important.

Adding to that - it brings Iran, Syria and Hezbollah onto a team that is part of the solution where, until now, they have been portrayed as the problem.

If these groups successfully put together a crack A team set of commandos with air support and on the ground real time intelligence, they may be able to attack, hurt and even cripple ISSI in a matter of weeks.

The results will be very positive - but the US will be absent from the game.
The entire situation is a big loss for the United States. A scenario is under construction in which Russia and Iran destroy ISIS and, in so doing, help Syria's Assad stay in power. 

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