Thursday, December 24, 2015

China's New Anti Terror Laws

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The Chinese are about to pass their new anti-terrorism law.

Everyone in the counter terror community, including Western politicians, is waiting to see how strict it will be and how wide the span of this new Chinese law will be.

The basis of the law is that all technology will be required to have a back door and all providers will be required to provide encryption keys to the government. That includes media, internet, phones, cell phones, computers - everything.

Obviously, there are many concerns about the abuse of personal rights which, for many years, has been a concern in China.

In the West, governments have asked businesses to turn over their encryptions and so far they have declined. The most obvious example is Apple. The iPhone6 has a very simple yet highly effective encryption system. When asked by Homeland Security to turn over the encryption key, Apple demurred and said doing so would violate the privacy of their customers.

It is almost impossible to crack these encryption systems and the
more they are used by terrorists, the safer terrorists will feel and the easier it will be for them to coordinate and execute their attacks.

A balance must be achieved between preserving citizen privacy and tracking terrorists and terrorist activities. 

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