Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Why People Are Fighting ISIS

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

65 nations are part of the coalition to fight ISIS. Many of them are Muslim countries.
Do not be deceived. They are in it for their own interests, not for the common goal.

Let's just go through a few and you will understand.

Start with the Turks. Turkey's main objective is to destroy the Kurds. They are using the ISIS situation as a cover to help further their own anti-Kurd actions.

Next, the mostly Shiite Iraqi army. They are taking advantage of the situation and getting rid of Sunni tribal forces. Iran is siding with the Shiite militias and striking out against Sunni fighters everywhere.
The Iranians want to attack all Sunni fighters whether in Iraq or in Syria.

As for Russia, the Russians come from the outside and they are hitting Sunni forces throughout Syria.

We think that the fighting is between the 65 countries in the coalition and ISIS. That is not true. There is a huge amount of internal fighting going on, both Sunni to Sunni and Shiite to Sunni fighting.

Some of the feuds go back centuries, others are more current battles centering on today's power struggles and the control of essential resources, roads and lookouts.

And we cannot forget that even ISIS is fighting not just against the West, but also against al Qaeda and all its various spinoffs. Almost everyone is fighting someone.


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