Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Expect More From ISIS

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Western intelligence is saying that we should expect ISIS to attempt to perpetrate large spectacular attacks against Western targets. The intel is talking about attacks like the Paris attack of last year that claimed the lives of 130 people.

In London, the Assistant Metropolitan Police Commissioner Mark Rowley, is reporting that ISIS is broadening their threat. "You see a terrorist group that has big ambitions for enormous and spectacular attacks, not just the types that we've seen foiled to date."

At the same time the West, and especially the United States, is stepping up the intensity of their attack against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

A Kurdish media outlet reported that the United States has nearly completed construction on two airports with extensive airstrips for military and commercial planes. The airports are in Kurdish areas of Syria. These new airfields will allow the US better access to the region. Most importantly it will put US forces close by and they will be essential in securing the airstrips.

This is war. ISIS is entrenched. They will take prisoners, but they prefer deaths.


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