Wednesday, March 2, 2016

ISIS Executes Other ISIS Members

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

ISIS has executed eight of its own members.

The eight ISIS members were all Danish, they were executed by ISIS in Raqqa.

These eight Danes were part of a larger Danish ISIS group that came from the Netherlands. The Danish government says that over 200 of their countrymen have made their way to the Middle East in order to join ISIS. They claim that most of these recruits originally came from Morocco. They also report that of the 200, at least 50 are women.

We do not normally think of The Netherlands as a hotbed of extremism but it is now becoming one - much like France and Belgium. Europe has changed. Nothing in Europe is the same as it was only a few years ago when it comes to terror and Muslim extremism.

In this case ISIS claims that the eight Danes were trying to desert. According to reports there was conflict between the Danish ISIS recruits and ISIS intelligence forces from Iraq.

ISIS leadership sent an intermediary to resolve the problem.

The mediator was killed.

And so ISIS leadership ordered the arrest of these eight Dutch members. And then they were executed.

As this was happening, other Dutch members of ISIS in Raqqa arrested several non Dutch ISIS members and killed one of them. He was beaten to death during an interrogation. 

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