Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Iran Threatens Israel

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

People have been talking about the US strike against Syrian gas and chemical weapons.

Most have forgotten that, only days earlier, Israel bombed a Syrian base and killed 7 Iranians - all of them the creme de la creme of Iran's drone operators. Included among them was Colonel Mehdi Dehghan, the head of the Iranian clone unit.
Iran has not forgotten.

The Iranians have been announcing that they will exact revenge on Israel for the strike that killed 7 of their best men.

Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Bassam Ghassemi has said: "Tel Aviv will be punished for its aggressive action." He added: "The occupying Zionist regime will, sooner or later, receive an appropriate response to its actions."

The response from Iran will come according to their timetable.


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