Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Israel Tells Russia & Iran Beware

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

There is little doubt that Israel was behind the attack on the T-4 military base in Syria. Four Iranian military advisers, including an expert drone operator, were killed during the attack which also took out at least one of their drones.

Israel struck the base from Lebanese airspace.

The Russians witnessed the attack and were quick to point the finger at and condemn Israel.

There could have also been Russian advisers in T-4 and Russia would have wanted to warn their people - but this time Israel did not give them advance notice of their planned attack.

The airstrike was a warning. Israel is sending a message to Russia and Iran that they are not shying away from using force. Israel is saying that despite the international attention, they are not afraid to strike and engage in actions against Russian and Iranian troops.

That is an important statement.


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