Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Crazy Middle East

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Direct talks between Israel and Turkey about diplomatic relations have been rescheduled for April 22.
Rumors abound as to why the meeting, originally scheduled for this week, has been postponed. Most plausible is that Turkey is still peeved and is not willing to bury the hatchet.

US Secretary of State John Kerry is finishing up the Israeli/Palestinian leg of a MidEast trip that began in Turkey. This first official trip to the region has been filled with bold fresh blasts of reality.

All in all, Kerry's impressions of this trip can be summed up by his comments to Israel's President Shimon Peres. The quote went something like this: "peace is not easy, but possible."

"I would say to everyone that I have no illusions about the difficulties; we've seen them. But you have to believe in the possibilities to be able to get there. You and I believe in them and I'm convinced there is a road ahead."

In literature that is called an understatement. But this is diplomacy.


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