Saturday, April 27, 2013

Jordan King in DC- Don't Trust Them

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
King Abdullah II met with President Obama in the White House yesterday.

It was very productive and useful meeting. The main topic was Syria. Of course there were two different perspectives on how to protect Jordan and on what Jordan can do to help the US.

King Abdullah is a very much at home in DC. He is a Georgetown graduate and has spent decades in the United States. But he should not be deceived by the friendly White House reception and the apparent symbiosis.

In the eyes of the White House Abdullah is just like Mubarak and just a little better than Assad and Ghadaffi. That means that the United States will use and exploit Jordan and will not hesitate to throw the King of Jordan under the bus when it is convenient. They will do exactly what they did to Mubarak.

Interestingly, Al Qaeda has set their sights on Abdullah. They want him out just like they want to Assad out.

Abdullah knows that there are real threats to his monarchy. And he knows that, right now, one of the most stable and responsible allies he has is Israel.

His enemies are counting on the US to abandon Jordan. 

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