Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Israel Gets Another Nuclear Sub

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Israel is about to receive their 5th Dolphin Series submarine. It is one of the most sophisticated weapons in the world and one of Israel's secret weapons.

The sub is built by Germany and was modified to meet Israel's specifics requests. A ceremony took place with leaders from both Germany and Israel congratulating themselves on the completion of the sub.
They also agreed to - and are now working on, a 6th sub which will be completed in 2017.

The sub will arrive in Israel in the near future and get an even greater soup up. It will be made into an even more superior weapon and Israel will strip all the elements that would permit Germany to track it.

The 5th Dolphin Series sub it is one of Israel's most expensive weapons.

They can stay underwater indefinitely. They are extremely quiet and do not give off any ping. They are practically a stealth weapon under the sea. They are armed with numerous weapons including nuclear missiles. And their conventional weapons can hit almost anywhere in the world without being detected.

These Dolphin Series submarines are a real game changer.


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