Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Israeli Maneuvers in The North

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Israel's northern border is extremely tense.

The border Israel that shares with Southern Lebanon is controlled by Hezbollah and is in crisis. Civil war rages along the border that Israel shares with Syria. And so Israel called up 2,000 reservists and they are now conducting maneuvers and drills in the north of Israel.

The dangers are great. There have already been numerous cross border incursions.

Explaining the thinking behind the drills Israeli Prime Minister
Netanyahu said:
"Israel watches with keen interest and concern the latest developments in Syria and Lebanon."
"Syria is breaking down and Lebanon is unstable. Both places posit considerable threats to Israel's security."
"Syria represents two direct threats."

Israel needs to call up reservists for two reasons. Reason # 1 is to send out the message that Israel is prepared and has the resources and power. Reason # 2, and it is a more important reason, is to train the reservists so that they have the experience in the event of a real battle.

Which we hope will not come, but very well might.


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