By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
US Vice President Joe Biden met with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas yesterday in Ramallah.
The US VP offered Abbas a bare bones deal to bring the Israelis and Palestinians together and create a peace deal. According to Palestinian sources the deal consisted of four simple points.
Abbas rejected the deal.
The meeting between Abbas and Biden lasted over two hours but Abbas thought that the deal would only result in a presidential letter or a UN Security Council resolution. Abbas thought that it would not change the situation on the ground.
Biden's four points were:
1- East Jerusalem is the capital of the Palestinian State
2- Building in the West Bank and in East Jerusalem ends
3- Accept Israel as a Jewish State
4- Disavow the Palestinian right of return
Each side needed to compromise on two items. It would be the foundation of a long term agreement --- of a Palestinian state.
Once again, Abbas chose rejection over acceptance. The reason should be obvious - Mahmoud Abbas does not, cannot, will not, compromise.
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