Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Mistakes in Belgium

By Micah Halpern
Wednesday March 23, 2016

I've Been Thinking:

The terror in Belgium is a terrible tragedy. It is a terrible tragedy that could have been avoided.

The United States had announced that they had information of an impending attack - but nothing specific. The Belgians had the same info. I had the same info. It was clear earlier in the week, after the Belgians and the French had captured the leader of the Paris attacks, that there were plans to attack Belgian and French sites.

Salah Abdeslam told his interrogators, just days ago, that he had several ISIS terror cells in place and poised to attack.

Knowing that info and not increasing security at Brussels' main train station and airport is irresponsible.

Ever since the 1970's, when Palestinian terrorists attacked Israeli tourists in Brussels and hijacked planes, Israel gave Belgium important tactical plans to beef up security.
Had those plans been in place it is unlikely that yesterday's attack would have been

The basic concept of security at these sites so beloved by terrorists is called the layered approach. A defense system is set up to catch unusual threats and what is not caught in the outermost layer is caught by a layer within. It is not good enough to simply have a security screening station for people with boarding passes as they go to their gates.

This was a huge failure by Belgian security and by those who determine threats to their nation. They should all resign.

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