Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Kuwait Deports 60 Hezbollah

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Kuwait is deporting 60 Hezbollah members. Their residency permits have been withdrawn because they are members of a terrorist organization.

Since last month's decision by the Arab League and the GCC (the Gulf Cooperation Council) to label Hezbollah a terrorist group, member countries have been stepping up their pressure on Hezbollah.

The decision by the Arab League and in the GCC was not due to a new vision of the world nor to a recognition of Western concepts of terror. The decision was made because Hezbollah, like Iran, is supporting and defending Assad in Syria. This decision was split straight down the Shiite Sunni rift.

Hezbollah is a Shiite group sponsored by Iran and Assad is part of the Allawites a break-off from Shiite tradition. They are pitted against the Sunnis.

The GCC is all Sunni and the Arab League is mostly Sunni. The only voices who voted against the declaration to label Hezbollah a terror organization were Lebanon and Iraq.

Once you get your bearings and figure out who is who, it all starts to makes sense.

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