Friday, March 18, 2016

British Kids Join Terror Groups

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

The British police have announced that over the past year they have arrested a record number of children under the age of 18 for terror. The number they have given is -16 !

They have also arrested 45 women for terror - another dramatic increase over the previous year.
All in all, there were 280 terrorism-related arrests in England last year.

The numbers are actually very small considering how many terror cells must be active in the entire country and how many kids are on the internet.

Many more than 16 kids under 18 have gone and joined ISIS by traveling to Turkey and crossing the border into Syria.

Something is wrong with these numbers.

There must be thousands of youth engaging in conspiracies that include planning and plotting terror attacks. Most are learning and reading and watching all the time. Some are actually buying plane tickets and joining terror groups.

Who knows how many have returned and are recruiting new, potential terrorists.

The British police are not sharing the real numbers. Why? 

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