Friday, June 24, 2016

New ISIS Hit List

By Micah Halpern

I've Been Thinking:

ISIS just released a new hit list of 8318 people from around the world and almost all 8000+ were from the US.
The United Cyber Caliphate put the list on line. The list includes names, addresses, and email addresses belonging to 8,318 people.
Names come from the United States, Australia, Canada, Belgium, Brazil, China, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jamaica, New Zealand, South Korea, Sweden, Trinidad, and Tobago. On Vocativ reports of the 7,848 Americans listed, 1,445 had addresses in California, 643 in Florida, 341 in Washington, 333 in Texas, 331 in Illinois, and 290 in New York.
An interesting point is the Vocativ also found that 4000 names and details were found on an earlier hit list from Linkedin created in 1999.
This new ISIS list was unique in its own way. While it was a list of enemies - earlier lists were actually entitled hit lists. This list was not. 

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