Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Putin & Bibi Meet

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:
Putin and Netanyahu met again today in Moscow.

This is their fourth meeting in six months.

Netanyahu has met with Putin more often than he has met with US President Obama. That small fact speaks volumes about relationships within this triangle.

Unlike the emergency meeting six weeks ago when, on the eve of Passover, Netanyahu ran to Russia to clarify and correct some communication problems with the Russian and Israeli air forces, this meeting was more diplomatic. The trip involved meeting the Jewish community. It was an official diplomatic outing which also combined cultural and social events.

Of course, there were official and obligatory press conferences and photo ops.

Putin wants to be a major force in the Middle East. He has set up operations in Syria and is continuing in his effort to expand his influence.

In order to be effective Putin needs a very good and strong working relationship with Israel. That is now his mission. 

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