Friday, June 19, 2020

Iran's New Cruise Missile

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Iran announced that they have test fired a new type of Cruise Missile, a missile that is resistant to electronic hacking.

Official Iranian media covered the test and reported that the missile hit its targets in the Gulf of Oman and in the Indian Ocean at a distance of 280 kilometers (170 miles). According to the report two different types of missiles were tested.

If all this is true and Iran has a hack resistance cruise missile, they are a major step ahead of the West.

A Cruise Missile concept is a “smart bomb” with an adjustable homing device. The best defense against a Cruise is to jam the electronics or to fry the electronics.

It is easier to fry than to jam. Jamming requires the defense system to first find the transmission frequency. Frying destroys all electronics in the area that is targeted.

I am doubtful. I think this report is more intimidation than fact. It is highly doubtful that Iran has developed such highly advanced and protective technology.

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