Monday, June 29, 2020

US Warns Israel about China

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

Just as the United States puts more and more pressure on China in a trade war, Israel and China are become closer and closer.

The Israel/China nexus worries Washington.

Israel sees their relationship with China as a great, expansive, economic opportunity. China wants to invest in Israel. The United states is not elated.

The US is warning Israel. They are saying: do not let China in.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was in Israel recently on a whirlwind trip. He made time for a TV interview and took the opportunity to speak bluntly. He said:
“We don’t want the Chinese Communist Party to have access to Israeli infrastructure, Israeli communication networks … This is the kind of things that endanger the Israeli people and the ability of the U.S. to cooperate with Israel.”

That was a direct threat to Israel. And it is not the first time that the United States has forced Israel to drop a big deal.

Israel has been warned.

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