Tuesday, March 28, 2017

ISIS Member Arrested in Israel

By Micah Halpern
I've Been Thinking:

An Israeli Arab was indicted yesterday for sending money to an ISIS fighter in Iraq

Fadel Tzaber Knaneh is a 25 year old man whose brother Mohammed joined ISIS in Syria. Fadel's brother Mohammed was killed. Fadel found out about his brother's death via a message which came from a mutual friend named Muhammed Keilani - who is also fighting for ISIS either in Syria or in Iraq.

In early March of 2017, Keilani told Fadel Knaneh that he was injured and needed money. Knaneh went to a money changer in Jenin who transferred 5000 NIS, which equals $1300, to Keilani in Iraq.
And for that he was arrested.

This is just one of many examples of Israelis who have been arrested for helping ISIS. It is not a trend, but it is troubling.


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